Schott NYC: Clothing for the Iconic Rebel
When you picture James Dean, The Ramones, Joan Jett and a young Marlon Brando, what one thing comes to mind? More specifically, can you name the piece of clothing all would wear? Something that is timeless and ties all those generations together?
Yes, the black, leather, motorcycle jacket.
Badass, rebellious, punk, classic.
Now, would it surprise if you knew those leather jackets were made by the same brand, over a century ago?
Schott NYC, designer of the well-known Perfecto® leather jacket has evolved from the basement of Manhattan at the turn of the 20th century to one of the most well-known and respected American brands today.
Building an Iconic Brand – for the hoodlum.
To understand how Schott NYC has grown since the early 20th Century and has been able to grow and span decades and generations, it is important to review the history and how simply it started.
In 1913, two sons of Russian immigrants, Irving and Jack Schott started in their Manhattan basement making raincoats. To achieve the American Dream, they sold those raincoats door to door.
In the mid-20s, marked at revolutionizing the way Americans dressed by for the outdoors when the Schott brothers added a zipper to a jacket. Something so simple, yet forever changed fashion and functionality for the world of garments.
In 1928 Irving Schott designed and produced the first ever leather motorcycle jacket, he named it the "Perfecto" after his favorite cigar.
That Perfecto® spanned generations and legends. James Dean was always known to wear it. And Marlon Brando, in the cult-favorite movie The Wild Ones, wore it atop his motorcycle. One interested fact, the jacket was said to be banned by school systems around the country because they symbolized a burgeoning teen demographic, the hoodlum.
In the 70s and 80s, punk legends The Ramones, Blondie, Joan Jett and The Sex Pistols all proudly featured their Schott Perfecto® to symbolize their brand to the music world.
Expanding the Brand – for the honorable
As Schott was becoming synonymous with high-quality, fashionable jackets, it caught the attention of the US Armed Forces for its durability as well. At the start of the WWII, the US Air Force commissioned Irving Schott to design a ‘bomber jacket’ for it US Airmen.
The US Navy also sought Schott to produce a warm and well-made jacket and the classic Melton wool naval pea coat was born.
Rugged and warm, these leather and wool jackets would be produced by Schott for the US Military for the next 60 years.
America’s Signature Pieces For Over a Century
Beyond the well-known jackets of Schott NYC, the brand has expanded even further over the last 100 years to offer nylon outerwear, knits and sportswear.
Most notable for The Simple Man customer is Schott NYC’s fashionable and high-quality sweaters and shirts. Schott sweaters are made with heavy weight, durable fibers and use classic construction methods. Whether you layer them under your favorite coat for warmth or wear them on their own, these wool layers will protect you from the elements.
When The Simple Man customers pick up anything from Schott, one often hears, “wow, this is nice” due to the weight of the fabric and how it feels. It is an immediate realization that the garment is of high quality and not just a department-store sweater.
People are also drawn to Schott’s unique designs that are timeless and add a class of sophistication to just about any outfit. The large wooden buttons or subtle cabling in the weave make the small details speak for themselves.
The pieces are versatile, as many choose to wear the heavy-weighed Yak blend cardigan as their outer layer and don’t need anything more for those mild Midwest days.
Who is The Person That Seeks To Wear This Brand?
Who is the person that seeks Schott NYC clothing & outerwear?
Simply put, the person who seeks Schott is one that doesn’t mind, and in fact, strives to stand out. One who recognizes the value that a single piece of clothing can have. How a classic leather jacket can impact their entire wardrobe and that an investment in an iconic piece of clothing is going pay off ten-fold.
A Schott peacoat or leather coat may not be something you buy at the drop of a hat, but rather, is a reward piece you add to your collection. Why? Because you have achieved it and frankly, earned it.
The Schott man is one that is willing to spend money to buy that piece because he knows the quality and knows it has a timeless style. It will last, and be cool, for generations.
Schott sweaters and knits are not one-event pieces. These garments can be sprinkled throughout a man’s wardrobe and versatile to fit many occasions. The best part is that at that event, a Schott signature piece will help a guy stand out.
A Simple Man wearing Schott clothing or outerwear projects a definitive style. A guy who is ok with being defined by what he wears. A guy wants people to notice that and nod in the realization. The realization that your classic style is earned, distinct, and your reputation is at a point where can be read by others through a quality Schott item.
Hoodlum to Honorable, Rebel to Regular Guy
Through a century, Schott NYC represented the heritage of America and the rebel inside everyone. What started as a leather jacket symbolizing excitement, adventure and danger that fueled a fascination with motorcycles evolved to a brand of durable, high-quality, classic pieces of clothing and outwear.
Imagine years from now, when you grandson finds that Schott leather jacket and knows exactly who Grandpa is.
From hoodlum to the honorable, rebels to regular guys, Schott NYC defines a style and personality.
It’s forever iconic and…
It’s simple.