Featured Simple Man: Jesse D
I believe and have for a long time, that in this world, we hold more similarities among us than differences. Our differences make us grow, learn, and expand in ideas/understanding of each other, but our similarities start the conversation and help us connect to get to that good stuff.
Being able to connect with so many people each year has only expanded this belief.
Last month, I shared a bit about me: interests, projects, top of my list finds. My vision when I started this blog was to eventually expand it beyond me and the store itself – to feature other ‘simple men’ and help us all start to connect more.
There is no better place to start than with Jesse. I swear, Jesse has 2 degrees of separation from every person in the Omaha metro area. There is no doubt in my mind that he knows someone who knows you.
Jesse is an Omaha native, baseball enthusiast, and a damn funny guy. You’ll notice that humor in some of his answers below (and I could probably show you a few texts and videos if you need more proof). The greatest thing about him is that once you meet him, it is like you’ve known him for years. His ability to put people at ease, enjoy each other, share stories, laugh, and build a connection is like nothing I’ve seen.
He describes himself this way: A Government power plant supervisor who loves throwing batting practice, camping, and outdoor concerts. I am the father of two great kids and husband to a wonderful lady who still tolerates me.
If any of you have seen the show “Inside the Actor’s Studio” you are familiar with the Bernard Pivot questions at the end of each episode.
Here is The Simple Man version, Episode Jesse D.
What are you currently watching?Jesse: My wife and I just watched The King of Staten Island. Our Netflix account has gotten a lot of use these last few months and we were hacked a few weeks ago so all I see now are Bollywood movies.
What sound or noise do you love?Jesse:
- The crack of a wood bat.
- My children laughing.
- Can of beer opening.
Jesse: Cat pre-puke heaving comes to mind. It’s a mad scramble to find said cat and get her outside before it too late.
Also, hate hearing people chew their food.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?Jesse: Dancer.
What are you currently listening to?Jesse: Alone in my car, it’s The Dead, in the car with the kids it's Harry Styles or any other pop icon. I have been having very weird dreams lately since my wife listens to murder podcasts to fall asleep and leaves it playing all night.
What project do you currently have going?Jesse: I am halfway finished with an overdue art room for my daughter Sofie. Sofie’s carpet in her room has taken the brunt of my lack of motivation.
What historical or sports figure (past or present) inspires you?Jesse: Fifty years ago Doc Ellis pitched a no-hitter while on LSD. It’s not that inspiring but one hell of a story.
What is your dream vacation destination?Jesse: We were set to go to Whitefish, Montana for a wedding/family reunion this August but with what is going on we had to scratch it. Eventually, I will get the family back to big sky country.
Or, another trip to Jamaica with our large group of friends.
What The Simple Man find can’t you live without?
Jesse: The Simple Man has so many unique finds, from a well-built flannel to great smelling beard oil. But for me, it’s the store logo t-shirt. I’m wearing it right now, great design and such a soft T.
If they named an 8th dwarf after you, what would he be named?Jesse: Man, if I had a dollar for every time this was asked, I’d have a dollar. Let’s go with “DiLo the Dancer”.
It’s all about shared connections. Jesse is the best man for making connections, and I’m honored to know him.
During this time, we all need to try to be more like Jess.
It’s simple.